FemSud Consult was established to contribute to the fight against acute poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, and apathy on gender, politics and a general lack of development among the rural people especially women in Africa.
The organisation facilitate training women, girls and men in agriculture, health care, SME (Small Medium Enterprises), and management skills so that they can actively participate in developing their society. We also help sensitising women and girls on issues of environmental protection, production of crafts and low-input agriculture to ensure food security and improvements in their living conditions.
Why we chose women? FemSud Consult emerged from nearly six years of regular contact and informal support to women groups especially in Africa. These contacts in Africa have actively influenced how we work especially in terms of where the emphasis should lie. The FemSud ideas owe their origin to this long-term dialogue. We are mainly interested and involved in networking and support to women in the South.